Louis post dispatch executive sports editor bob pastin by st. Design, rose, bob r, deputy managing editoronline, 314. For calls from outside the 314 and 636 area codes, you can call us at 8003650820. Rick starr first took over as valley news dispatch sports editor at a most memorable time. Louis postdispatch obituaries and death notices for saint louis missouri area. Apr 17, 2009 the late bob broeg, another of my mentors, was very powerful as the sports columnist and editor at the postdispatch for several decades, but he didnt go around bullying anyone. Supervised the sports staff of 40 for these suburban new york city papers. Louis postdispatch executive sports editor bob pastin has resigned from the job. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Two years later, he became the executive editor and ran the paper. You can email most staff members at the postdispatch by using their. Jul 27, 2015 he had been at the postdispatch since 1997 and had been film critic since 2000.
Apr 12, 2020 in 1992, he gave up his job as the timesdispatchs sports columnist and sports editor to become the papers managing editor. He was admired in the community, a great friend to all the st. May 17, 2020 i was the journal sports editor and i certainly looked up to him, admiring his work. Former rtd editor inducted into virginia communications hall.
Pastin brought a lot of great ideas, changed things quite a bit, brought in good people. It was 1980 and the pirates and steelers were world champions, pitt and penn state both had top 10 football teams, freeport and knoch were dominant on the local high school football scene. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. He was privy to many important events in baseball history. Bob rose vice president, digital content and strategy at the st. Hall of fame baseball writer rick hummel, working in the busch stadium press box thats named after him and longtime post dispatch sports editor columnist bob broeg. Get headlines on local weather, entertainment and events.
Local news, sports, business, politics, entertainment, travel, restaurants and opinion for seattle and the pacific northwest. Adam kushner outlook editor outlook section, posteverything online venue, nonfiction books adam. Louis post dispatch as sports editor and another world series win cardinals, 2011 before returning to his houston roots. Former valley news dispatch sports editor rick starr was. He fancied himself as part of the muscle on the line of the country day. We are 100% commited to providing accurate information. Michael phillips named sports editor of the richmond times. Opening their doors to the public for the first time in two years, hundreds toured the postex cotton mills from 8. For corrections in the newspaper, contact the editor in charge of the section in which the mistake occurred. He served in washington as a result of an eye injury suffered at birth. Duncan bauman, the former globe publisher, came aboard in 1941. Lipman had been the sports editor and knew what he was doing, one post veteran said. He came up with the nickname for musial, the cardinals midcentury star player, after. Hummel was inducted into the national baseball hall of fame in cooperstown, new york in 2007 when he was honored with the j.
By bob broeg post dispatch sports editor know when youre getting old, charley. Former postdispatch sports editor bob broeg, whose quirky and insightful accounts of the legends of sport made him one of the early inductees into the writers. Former postdispatch sports editor bob broeg, whose. Mar 27, 2011 extra readers letters, march 27, 2011. View wade wilsons profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community. He was named sports editor of the postdispatch in 1958. Shortly after hearing friday night that heralded richmond times dispatch sports columnist and editor bill millsaps had died, mcdonald found himself wondering about the late bill brill, a past. Louis post dispatch since 1983, is among nine employees at the newspaper who voluntarily resigned, effectively saving the jobs of four reporters and a copy. Former postdispatch sports editor bob broeg, whose quirky and insightful accounts of the legends of sport made him one of the early inductees into the writers wing of the national baseball hall of fame, died friday oct. Robert patrick, federal courts reporter, 3146215154. He had lots of talent and lots of ideas, said tim renken, a member of the sports department for 32 years. Louis postdispatch for more years than anyone can remember before he became the newspapers sports editor.
Gary was hired in 1968 by sports editor bob broeg to cover preps and got his first break a couple of years later when he became the beat reporter for the st. Columnist mcclellan among 9 at postdispatch taking severance. Stockton, then sports editor of the postdispatch, had been chief chronicler of the gas house gang at a time young smith of latterday new york was an admiring tenderfoot rival at. Prefty bowler can throw you a curve sports comment i a. Bob was not a sour, cynical critic, but he was a critic. To many in the post newsroom, it appeared pastin was fired, but management. We provided home and road coverage for new york city pro teams and daily intense. Robert william patrick broeg march 18, 1918 october 28, 2005 was an american sportswriter. Former postdispatch writer, editor stockton deserving by. Jul 10, 2015 bill mcclellan, a columnist at the st. Louis post dispatch sunday, december 6, 1987 allmetro football nsense on 87 allmetro unit by mike eisenbath post dispatch suburban sports editor marquettes craig. Louisarea staterun mental health facilities, and there have been 90 cases of the virus among patients and staff.
Louis postdispatch, before being promoted to sports editor, and then to assistant to the publisher. Bob burnes, known as the benchwarmer, wrote for the st. Bob rose vice president for digital content and strategy. You can email postdispatch staff members by using an individuals first. Rick hummel born february 25, 1946 in quincy, illinois is an american author and sports columnist best known for his work for the st. The original article, written may, 1958, by postdispatch sports editor bob broeg. Broeg was partially responsible for the famous picture of eddie gaedel at the plate in 1951. May 11, 2020 hall of fame baseball writer rick hummel, working in the busch stadium press box thats named after him and longtime postdispatch sports editorcolumnist bob broeg. May 2014 learn how and when to remove this template message. The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with north america and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Additionally, the public was invited to a free cotton week barbeque sponsored by the chamber of commerce at the 4h building.
Kapsidelis, 63, is a veteran virginia journalist who was an editor for 28 years at the times dispatch before accepting a fellowship in 2016 at virginia humanities to work on a book that was. Columbus dispatch sports reporter bill rabinowitz speaks with ohio state athletic director gene smith regarding his college football program, the playoffs, and we discuss the new big ten proposal. If this is your organization and you need to update or add media outlet or media contact information, please click here. During his 26year tenure as sports editor for the valley news dispatch, bob schank oversaw a drastic transformation of the local sports scene. Bob pastin was an excellent sports editor when he came here. Former post dispatch sports editor bob broeg, whose quirky and insightful accounts of the legends of sport made him one of the early inductees into the writers wing of the national baseball hall of fame, died friday oct. Louis post dispatch newsroom employee and the current deputy managing editor, has been fired as top positions are reorganized editor gilbert bailon outlined the. I answered my own phone, bauman said, and i never got a call complaining about bob burnes. The washington post sports section provides sports news, video, scores, analysis and updates about high school, college, and pro sports teams, including the capitals, nationals, redskins, united. Stockton, then sports editor of the post dispatch, had been chief chronicler of the gas house gang at a time young smith of latterday new york was an admiring tenderfoot rival at the the old st. Learn how and when to remove these template messages this article needs additional citations for verification. Postdispatch sports columnist benjamin hochman makes a case for keith hernandez, annually overlooked by cards fans. Former postdispatch writer, editor stockton deserving. At least three patients with covid19 have died at st.
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